A Few Of My Favorite Things!

January 4, 2011

{After hinting and wishing, and hinting some more, my sweet hubby surprised me with an iPad as a New Year's Gift. :)  I am so madly in love; playing around with it is so much FUN!}

 {I also finally upgraded to the iPhone 4.  LOVE!}

 {How charming is this thrifted blazer? Stripes are always so fun to wear and I just love the buttons!  This pink lipstick is also a fave.  It's MAC's "Girl About Town".}

 {Although the shipping for these suede brogues took longer than expected, AND I paid extra for the "express" option, they finally arrived and I absolutely adore them. These flashy pink tights are We Love Colors Plus Sized Tights in 'Neon Pink'.}

{Loving these lace-up wedge boots from LuLu's. They are so comfy... just the basic black boot that I have been searching for. LuLu's is a new favorite site, how great is the "under $50" selection? And shipping was really fast! These bright tights are We Love Colors Plus Sized Tights in 'Gold'.}

{The smell of fresh cut roses in a jar.  This candle smells sooooo good!  Perfect for the bedroom. ;) }

I just love a good candle, what is your favorite candle brand/scent?}

xoxo, thanks for reading!


  1. Girl, who gets a New Year's gift, you're the luckiest girl, lol. Your hubby seems like a keeper, a man that can take hints, lol. I absolutely love that blazer, too cute.


  2. Hope you had a great holiday! My favorite of all of this is the lace up wedge boots. Super cute girl!

  3. lucky!! awesome gift! you totally need the instagram app for your iphone and ipad. it's like facebook for your photos. another cool app is montager. check out my profile pic. I used both apps for it. I love using it.

    my favorite candle scents are sweet pea and cucumber mellon from Bath and Bodyworks. yum! happy new year!

  4. Ooh you lucky lady! Do you think its worth buying an iPad if you already have an iPhone? I really want one but i'm afraid it will be a waste of money, a lot of people have said the iPad is basically just a bigger version of the iPhone, since you have both maybe you can help me make up my mind!:) On a side note, I love your blazer. I want your blazer collection! xo


  5. I love all of your favorites...especially those green brougues...They're going on my wishlist!!! And who can go wrong with a hot pink lip??? You have an awesome husband. A New Year's gift? WOW!! I gotta use that one!! LOL


  6. I sooooo want your blazer! That is so stinkin' cute! Good job hubby on the iPad!! ;o)

  7. love those shoes Lexy!!! I might have to go and copy them lol. iphone and ipad??? Cory must be going for gold on that one....he gets an A+ hahah

  8. You got a lot of nice stuff!! Love the black boots because the lace up is so lovely! And that striped jacket is fabuloussss!

  9. How do you seriously find these thrifted goodies? I am sure they just crawl out of their clothing racks to go to you! You look fab. The striped jacket is very lovely. I like the buttons on the sleeves.

  10. you look gorgeous! just found u out. lol. those shoes and that jacket is to die for!

  11. I love the stripes! totally charming, I love thrifted! happy new year honey

  12. that blazer is amazing and those green shoes are so cute !

  13. You always one up me with the blazer game. LOL I love this blazer! I never know what to wear with my RL Rugby blazer with the same colors...

  14. A few of your fave things happen to be mine too, I just need you to ship them to me. I've hinted around for an iPad for the birthday so I will have one soon.
    Enjoy your fave things!!!


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