Sweet and Buttery Skillet Cornbread

21 September

I can't think of one meal that I wouldn't want to have this amazing sweet, moist and buttery cornbread with.  It went so well with the spaghetti that I made and would be even better with a nice big bowl of chili {that I will be making soon!}. This recipe could not be easier, if you can make the boxed cornbread, you can make this. :)



1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup yellow cornmeal
{heaping} 1/3 cup white sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
6 tablespoons of melted butter

First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

{The stars of the show}

 {You will need a cast iron skillet for this recipe. This batter would also make great muffins.  Though I haven't tried, I suppose a cake or loaf pan would work too.}

{Start dumping your dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. First up, your flour.}

 {Next, the corn meal.  I used regular / finer ground corn meal.  For added texture, you could use a medium ground, which would give more crunch.}

{Dump in your salt.}

 {Add your white sugar.  I make sure that this is a heaping measure, we like our cornbread really sweet. :)}

{And the brown sugar.}

{Take a whisk and combine all  the dry ingredients, working out most of the larger lumps.}

{Over medium heat, melt the butter in your cast iron skillet.}

{Now on to the wet ingredients.  Crack the egg in a bowl with the milk.}

{Pour in the melted butter. Return the skillet to the stove, over a medium-low heat.}

{Whisk to combine the egg, milk and butter.}

{Add the wet ingredients to the dry mix.}

{Blend on medium speed until it's well combined and smooth.  Be sure to scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl as you go.}

{Pour the cornbread batter into the {already buttered and on the stove} cast iron skillet.  Let it cook for about 2 minutes on the stove top. After 2 minutes, put it in the oven and bake at 400 degrees for 20-23 minutes, or until a toothpick {or fork} inserted into the center, comes out clean.}

 {Gorgeously golden brown. So pretty, and smells amazing!}

 {I like to rub butter around the edges, touching the hot pan as I go, making the butter melt down onto the sides. Mmmmm!}
{This cornbread is so moist and rich, such a hit in our house. Be sure to serve each slice with a bit of softened butter.}

 {Or if you are like Cory, make a butter sandwich with your slice. *faints!*}

Enjoy! :)
xoxo, thanks for reading!

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  1. OMG. Look's delicious. I could eat a piece alone or with a hearty meal.

    I really love cornbread.


  2. I made blackeyed peas today I think this will go great. Thanks

  3. Corey sounds like my kind of eater..ha ha!!

  4. sounds good..never put brown sugar in mine..but might have to try it :)

  5. Thanks Lexy for the recipe! I can't wait to try this with my homemade chilli this season. Be blessed!!

  6. Girl you about to have me go get a cast iron skillet just for this! I love me some cornbread.

  7. Giiiiiiirl... get the skillet ready!! ::clicks heels three times:: LOL

  8. thanks Lexy for recipe....I will be trying this on sunday!!!!

  9. I am drooling....bookmarking this recipe NOW

  10. Your cornbread recipe is almost identical to my mom's, she makes hers in a cast iron skillet as well and it comes out looking like yours. Man I wanna come to your house for dinner.

  11. oh man i love me some cornbread!

    I have to try this! omg! I have to get me a cast iron skillet! and with the brown sugar, omgeeeee!

  12. Skillet Cornbread is the best kind and the only kind I ever make, don't mess with the boxed kind!! Some do and that is fine, but I love homemade skillet cornbread. I have never made it with eggs or butter, but this looks yummy so I might have to try this with some (turkey) chilli (as you said) or a hearty vegetable soup!!

    Carsedra of:



  13. My mom used to make skillet cornbread! I'm no cook in the kitchen but your food always looks so yummy -- you're inspiring me to rattle a few pots and pans!! lol!

    But I'll definitely have to try this one especially now that the weather is cooler. Hearty meals are perfect for this season!

  14. SHUT UP AND SLAP SOMEBODY'S MOMMA!! This looks delish!! YUM YUM gimmie SUM!! LOL Kiah

  15. I found your recipe via pinterest! I made this recipe tonight with chili and it was amazing..definitely a great recipe and will be my "go to" cornbread recipe every time! Thanks!

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