Workwear: Pastels

17 June


{Baby Blue and White Striped Cotton Dress ~ Forever 21+ / Baby Blue Blouse ~ NY&Co / Nude and Silver Banded Sandals ~ Apt 9 via Kohl's / Turquoise Tote ~ Aldo}
I couldn't wait to pull this dress from the storage bins and rock it this summer – it's definitely one of my favorites.   I love layering when it comes to wearing dresses in the summer time, whether it be with a blazer {my favorite}, cardigan or in this case – a blouse. Carrying something to cover my arms is pretty mandatory since it's always freezing on the train and in my office. 
These sandals were a random find at Kohl's and I am in LOVE with them.  They are absolutely the most comfortable pair of heels that I own at the moment. I love the sturdy block heel and let's face it: any shoe that has any form of metallic accent is my favorite. :)
xoxo, thanks for reading! ♥

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