Braised Short Ribs

10 January

This recipe for braised short ribs is a K-E-E-P-E-R!  I think everyone should have a comforting and delicious recipe like this to make on a cold Sunday for dinner.  It's fail-proof and so easy; it comes out perfect every single time.  

Beef Short Ribs
1 large {or two small-medium} onions, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 large {or 4 small} carrots, chopped
2 tablespoons of chopped garlic {or 2-3 cloves}
1/4 cup red wine
1/4 cup flour
1 can of beef broth
2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1 tablespoon seasoned salt
2-3 dried bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste

{It's so funny: when I am arranging ingredients on the cutting board to snap pics, Isis gets so excited, as if we were on a real set and comes to ask if I need help.  Lol!  I had her peel the carrots and open the broth and tomato cans. :)}

First step, preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

{Chop your veggies into medium sized pieces.}

{Gosh, I love short ribs.  They aren't the most healthy {they have quite a bit of fat on them} but they are the most flavorful pieces of beef I have ever had.  As long as you cook them low and slow, they will be so tender!}

{Put your flour on a large plate and season it well with salt and pepper.}

{Dredge your short ribs in the seasoned flour.}

{In a large skillet, over medium high heat, heat your vegetable oil and sear the short ribs on  both sides for a few minutes, until they are golden brown.}

{I pulled out my large dutch oven to cook the short ribs.  I have had this for years and rarely use it but it's great for those low and slow dishes that I crave in the cooler months.  You could use any heavy-bottomed pot with a lid that is oven-safe.}

{Once the short ribs are crisp and golden {but will not be cooked all the way through!} arrange them in the bottom of your pot.}

{If needed, add more oil to the same skillet that you just seared the beef in.}

{Add your veggies and begin to saute. Let them cook for about 5 minutes.  Season well with salt and pepper.}

{Next add your chopped garlic.}

{Herb / Seasoning line-up.}

{After a about 2 minutes, add in your seasoned salt, pepper to taste, rosemary, thyme, and bay leaves.  Stir to combine and let this go for 2-3 more minutes.}

{Next, add the tomato paste and stir this really well to coat the veggies.}

{De-glaze the pan with the red wine.  Let this come to a small bubble remove it from the heat.}

{Pour your veggie/tomato mixture and a can of beef broth over the short ribs in the dutch oven.}

{Let this cook in the covered pot in a preheated 325 degree oven for 3 hours, untouched.  Your house will smell absolutely AMAZING.}

{The short ribs will be tender and delicious and falling off the bone! SO GOOD!}

I served ours over a some buttery and cheesy grits {recipe coming soon!} with a side of roasted green beans.  It was beyond words, delicious!

Let me know if you plan to / try this.

xoxo, thanks for reading! ♥

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