Day Off

25 April

I was so excited to pull this pretty tunic out again.  I bought it from SimplyBe {Plus Size Women's Clothing} back in January.  {See how I wore it here.} I utterly adore it.  I really need more simple and pretty tops like these.  You know, to wear when I am not wearing a blazer. ;)

 It was the perfect thing to pop on with leggings today {on my day off} as I ran errands to prepare for Isis's 9th birthday dinner that we enjoyed tonight.
 I was also excited to pull out these comfy oxfords.  Another pair of forgotten faves.

 Although they don't necessarily "go" with this tunic, I decided they provided the perfect pop! that I like to try and add to every outfit. :)

I also had these white beads on but decided to ditch them for these pictures.  Cory is such a good sport; not only is he my amazing photographer {who just so happened to have the day off with me}, but he also holds the extras while shooting. Hehe!

{Black Zipper Leggings ~ H&M / Printed Tunic ~ Simply Be / Black and White Oxfords ~ Candies / Red Leather Fringe Handbag ~ Daisy Boutique}

 Wishing my Isis a happy happy 9th birthday! ♥

xoxo, thanks for reading! ♥

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