I'm Your Baby Tonight!

13 February

{Red Yoga Pants ~ Sports Savvy / Denim Shirt ~ Newport News / Ivory Coat ~ Vintage.Thrifted / Brown Suede Boots ~ Nine West}

I can't believe it's already Monday, where do the weekends go?! How was your weekend?  Mine was pretty love-filled and eventful - I had fun celebrating with Cory for his birthday, which was on Sunday.  He doesn't like to make a big deal, so we kept it low key.  I wore this casual ensemb on Saturday night to dinner, a few virgin Pina Coladas and a movie. I was nice and cozy. :)

We came out of the movies to the news of Whitney Houston passing - what a tragedy.  :(

Needless to say, I felt it quite necessary to blast Whitney jams on Sunday while making a huge birthday breakfast of cinnamon raisin French toast, bacon, sausage, cheese eggs and cheese grits. I even had Isis singing - even though she barely knew the words.  My girl has a natural musical talent - she pics up on melodies and lyrics so fast, it's crazy! I may have a future performer on my hands. :)

P.S. - Congrats to KPPNME and Steffy for winning the Chobani giveaway - I will be in touch soon! :)

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