Top It Off

04 January

{Black Ponte Knit Dress ~ H&M / Paisley Tunic ~ SimplyBe / Black Tights ~ HUE / Black Suede Booties ~ ASOS / Gold Leaf Belt ~ Thrifted / Gold Necklace ~ Thrifted / Red Lined Trench ~ VIntage.Thrifted / Black Hat ~ Thrifted}

First of all - BIG GIGANTIC hugs to all of you who read, commented, emailed, facebooked and tweeted me about my last post.  It feels so good to know that I have you here with me.  I was getting choked up at work reading your responses. Thank you! :)

Now. For the sake of not sounding like a baby and because I have been complaining to everyone who will listen today, I won't go on too much about the single digit temps outside here on the blog but man.... - it is SO COLD!!! LOL! It's shockingly freezing out and needless to say, I can't wait until the spring.  

Although this isn't a typical 'winter hat', ie., knitted or covers my ears, it is wool and it did help with some coverage from the wind.  I also wore a scarf and gloves which are not pictured - we snapped these pics in a hurry after I came in from work.  My legs were a little chilly but I was determined to wear a skirt or dress with this tunic. You can't see the back but it's lower than the front.  It's really cute and will look cute with black skinny jeans and flats on the weekend.

Although I am typically not a hat person, I was totally inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, Sing of Sing'ature Style to finally rock this hat that I thritfed a few months ago.  She has a mean hat collection and pulls them off perfectly. I tip my hat off to you, Sing!

xoxo, thanks for reading!

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