Royal Blue + Butterflies

31 January

{Royal Blue Dress ~ Forever 21+ / Butterfly Blouse ~ GO International / Black Tights ~ HUE / Gray Snakeskin Pumps ~ Isaac Mizrahi for Target {old}}

I love looking back at old outfit posts to get ideas of what to rock when I am in a style rut.  Like the one that I was in this morning.  It would have been so easy to just grab a blazer to throw on but just as I was complaining and wondering where all my cute tops were, and after seeing this post this weekend...I promptly remembered how much I love this butterfly blouse with the covered buttons.  Popping it over this easy and pretty blue dress was such a great decision today.  I have deemed royal blue my color.  I can't get enough of it!

The unseasonably warm temperatures here are great... but scary.  I should not be able to go outside comfortably without a jacket in January.  My mind thinks it's spring; I almost went without tights today.  But then snapped back to reality.  Tomorrow is February, for goodness sake. And February is love month.  YES! I am ready.

xoxo, thanks for reading!

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