{Flashback!} Friday

23 December

{Cory Jr., 4 years old}

Cory {or Cor Cor, as I like to call him} has always been what the true definition of "boy" is from as far back as I can remember.  From the minute he could walk, he was running around getting his little hands into everything in sight. 

I remember when he was just shy of 2 years old - he rode his motor-powered car down a flight of outside stairs. Yes, concrete.  It scared me half to death, before realizing that he wasn't seriously injured.  With a busted lip, scratched up nose and forehead {and after getting him all cleaned and bandaged up} he was right back in that car with a smile on his face.

{Cory Jr., 12 years old}

I was young when I had him {20 years old} and I had no idea then how much he would change our lives. ♥ 
He is growing into quite the young man, right before our very eyes.  It amazes me DAILY how tall he is; we are almost the same height!  He does well in school and is becoming more responsible each day. He is the best big brother to Isis - it makes me choke up when I see how he takes care of her.  
Words to describe my Cory: funny {makes everyone laugh}, charming, smart, witty, hungry {at all times! lol}, energetic, athletic {obsessed with football}, calm and positive {never ever complains!}.  
He is still quite the dare devil and we promised him a real dirt bike when he graduates and goes into middle school this year.  Oh, my nerves!

I am so, so, so, so proud of him.  He reminds me so much of his father, I can't wait to see the great man that he will become.

xoxo, thanks for reading!

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