...on a Monday

03 October

The temperatures dropped over the weekend (hello, 49 degrees!) and after pulling out the down comforter and buying the most comfy-coziest new bedding, it’s safe to say that I got the best sleep EVER last night.
…which, oddly, made for an unhappy Monday morning. I was simply not ready to get out of bed and start the day. If it were possible, I would probably still be in bed right now.
I thought it would be a good idea to post a few things that make me smile, to remind me that it could be worse.
...and although I despise Monday, I’m happy to be here.


{Having wonderful family and friends to entertain for.}

{Having a big sister that I can also call my best friend.  We often send the same text messages to each other. ...at the same time, it's so cute! And scary.. LOL!} 

{A handsome personal photographer, who also happens to be the best husband in the entire world.  So glad he is mine.}

{Being able to relax on a Saturday night with cold wine and delicious Chinese food.  Even though I was complaining that Cory wanted to stay in, I'm glad he made that decision for us.  I sometimes forget how great staying in, snuggling up on the couch and watching movies is!}

{I have probably over shared this picture, but I really can't believe how tall my almost 12 year old is. I swear he shot up overnight.  I'm pretty sure he will be towering over me when he reaches his permanent height.} 

{Having a little mini-me.  She has the best personality and is a great buddy to have tag along when running errands; we have the best conversations.}

What do you have to smile about on this Monday?  Have a great week!

•SHOP! ♥ BeautyFash Boutique•


  1. LOVE this post. Reminding myself of what I DO have is exactly what I need to do as well. Thanks so much for showing me how it's done :-)

  2. oh Lexy! you are blessed! your kids look so much like you...lol. that sister thing is cute and scary. lol

  3. Love this post and I'm going to show Mr. Parks that other amazing husbands take blog photos for the wives they love too, he probably thought he was alone. My 11 year old son is almost as tall as me as well and my mini me, just started college, pure DIVA.. Love the photos, have a great start to your week!


  4. Aww Lexy! Much like everyone I dread Monday mornings, but it's nice to be reminded of the things that make your heart smile. And while I have a disdain taste for the "beginning" of the week, I'm appreciative of being able to see Monday mornings!

  5. I totally understand about those Monday mornings. This morning I really wanted to stay in bed. It was chilly here too and I had to break out my comforter as well! Being wrapped up in it and feeling warm really made not want to have to get up at 5am. (sigh)

    It is always good to think on those things that make us smile to get us through those not so good days!! You have a beautiful family!!!

    Carsedra of:



  6. Awww this is such a sweet list, love your little one's leggings

  7. Your son is almost as tall as me. Heck my son is almost as tall as me. I wish I lived closer to my sister but we are peas in a pod when we are together.

  8. really cute your kids are so cute ! love it :D

  9. We expirienced some coolness here too as well. I hope it gets cool enough to pull out my boots and leather!

  10. Monday's are harsh after nice relaxing weekends with loved ones, it's as if our bodies protest to it ending. Sound like I didn't want to go to work either, I dudn't but I made it.

    You have a beautiful family and I don't think I'll ever get tired of sharing that with you. Yes your son is getting tall since were about the same height he'll be taller than us soon. Little Miss cutie pie is adorable.

    I'm jealous I wish my sisters were closer but alas I live away from all my family.

  11. Nice pics of the family...What I have to smile about for a Monday? Well getting the kids to bed on time by 830ish they were both on their way to dream land..woo hoo...

  12. super awesome post...HOWEVER...your daughter is not a mini you..your son totally is lol...she is more of a mini-daddy...its really cute how our kids look either like us or like their father...

    i really enjoyed the post...made me enjoy my monday even more :)..btw..i had the day off..so i REEEEALLLy enjoyed it

  13. I love seeing random glimpses of your life! Your kids look just like your husband! Too cute!

  14. I swear you have the cutest kids!! Me and my sister are the exact same way.

  15. LOL!!! You have a point! :) she is her father's TWIN! thanks Tone, I hope you had a great day off and it wan't too hard going in today!

  16. thanks Erica! And yay for sisters!

  17. thanks Fajr! it's fun to share it. :)

  18. thansk Mrs. Jay! Girl I'm gonna need some TIPS! My kiddies haven't seen a 8:30 bedtime in YEARS!

  19. Thanks Toya! So glad I can share my family life here on the blog and have wonderful people (like YOU!!) that enjoy it! I'm sure you keep in touch with your family in other ways. :)

  20. thank you!

  21. It has been down right COLD. So yay for boots! I hope you get to pull yours out soon!

  22. thanks Erika!

  23. LOL! I have to get used to looking eye-to-eye to my 12 year old! LOL! Isn't it amazing how they grow??

  24. thanks Jody-Ann!

  25. Thanks Carsedra! Girl, yes! that warm and cozy bed was like a booby trap! LOL!

  26. exactly! :) I began to appreciate it as the day went on, but I need to find a job that offers Mondays off! LOL

  27. hehehe! Yes, show Mr. Parks... he is NOT alone. I love the whole dynamic of husbands taking blog photos... I told Cory this is his blog too, since he *is* my photographer! :) THANKS!

  28. thanks Bibi!

  29. no problem and thank you for stopping by! :) Glad you enjoyed it.

  30. I read this post today - Friday, but it is helping me get out of bed and enjoy my Friday. :-) Thank you for spreading the joy!

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