{Flashback!} Friday

October 21, 2011


{me, at 16 - was a date for a friend of the family's senior prom}
EEEEK! Hunter green satin, with matching shoes? ...and nude hose? My aunt had made that dress and the ivory sash to go with it. Notice the floor draping ivory bow in the back too?  That was my favorite part! LOL!
Those long acrylics were definitely in then.  Where are my 90's teenagers? Do you guys remember them?  Please make me feel better and tell me that your prom pictures are just as hideous! :)
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Congrats to F.A.B.ellis for winning the Glamour Pouch giveaway!
•SHOP! ♥ BeautyFash Boutique•

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