Organizing My Closet

06 February

I woke up this morning with the brilliant idea to organize my closet.  For the past few weeks, grabbing pieces to wear has been extremely challenging.  I had things all over the place; folded, balled up, 2 items on one hanger.  It was a MESS. 

I have always wanted to arrange my clothes by color, imagining  how easy putting together outfits would be if I could go to the section of color and grab exactly what I needed. 

And just like I had also imagined, grouping colors together was so much fun!

Of course, my Isis was eager to help.  And what a perfect little helper she was.  LOVE her.

To no surprise, we needed tunes to get through this HUGE task.  iPOD on shuffle via the speaker tower.  Closet organizing {slash} dance party. YES!

I started with my blazers/jackets.  They now all have a home: back bar, right side.

Then the tops.  Black and black/white prints were first.

Next up, blues.

The greens followed.

Hello yellow.

Ivories and whites were next.

I finished this one side with grays.

{Side one: DONE!}

Side two.  This time I started with the pants.  Having been folded before and stacked in a pile on the top shelf, it was time for hangers.  The piles would ALWAYS fall. 

Time for more tops.  To start this second side, browns, reds, and burgundy.

Peaches and oranges followed.  No, not the fruit. My long lost, mostly forgotten tops. ;)

Pinks were next.  I was quite shocked at how much pink I own.

Then, it was time for purple.

Last up for the tops?  Animal print, of course.

I have more room on this side, for sure.  Probably just the amount of space needed to put last week's laundry away.

{Side two: DONE!}

Dresses and skirts were put together, naturally.

Now on to the shoes.  I would love to have shelves for my shoes, but I just don't have the space.  My solution: the floor on both sides of my closet.  I had to put one pair on top of another along the back row on both sides; I ran out of space.  I also remembered: there are summer/spring shoes in the garage waiting to make their reappearance for warmer weather. Can't wait!

Side one.

Side two.

{newest member in the shoe line-up?  Those fabulous red suede wedges. *sigh*}

Oh, and belts are still hanging in the middle. 

Finally {whew!}, handbags.  Because I actually hung my pants/jeans on hangers, I had tons of shelf space on both sides.  My bags and clutches are happy!


More handbags and clutches.

This project took 6 hours and 80 new hangers. And it was totally worth it.  I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.  Can't wait to pick my outfit out tomorrow morning. :)

xoxo, thanks for reading!


  1. Omg. You have a ridiculous amount of clothing. It looks so nice and organized.

  2. OH WOW!!!! LOVE how organized this is. a DREAM!

  3. Can I come sleep in that closet? ;)

  4. Color coordinating is SO fun for closets! I love mine! I wish my closet was a little bigger, but I make due. You have so much great stuff, I think my new goal is to get enough animal print for it to have its own section :-)

  5. Loving the coordination..everything is so nice and neatly organized. I used to have my clothes organized by color, but of course it didn't last for long b/c I wasn't putting stuff back where it belonged. But good for you for tackling your closet. Now I need to be motivated to do mine :-)

  6. Your closet is like....nirvana! All the pretty colors/patterns, I love it! The Container Store and some Huggable Hangers would make your closet look like a boutique.

  7. you just gave me a fabulous idea! i am moving in to anew apartment next week. so i'll definately do this. thanks!

  8. Wow! One day I'll have a huge wardrobe that will look like that. You are definitely loved to have all that closet space!

  9. Organizing the closet is SO key.
    I have mine organized by texture and function though. Ex: blazers, sweaters, jeans, blouses, etc. Then by color. I guess I think about what I'm going to need and then decide on the color. My handbags ans scarfs are on my stop shelf too. My shoes are on the bottom, but are mostly in boxes.
    I love that you have so many prints!

  10. My closet is organized similarly, however my shoes are in boxes and stacked on each other. Once I did that, it's easy to fidn stuff and things don't get lost. I also packed up my summer stuff so when the end of spring comes, I will take them out and put away winter and give myself more space.

  11. Isis is living the dream, lol. I LOVED playing in my mama's closet as a little girl. The look on her sweet face brought back so many memories of all the colors, the rainbow sea of pumps and wedges and how her perfume just lingered in there.

    I'm crazy about the variety of b&w prints, but that yellow ruffled top is the business!

    Quite the boutique you've got there. When you havin' a trunk sale, lol?

  12. it so colorful and i've done this before also it is fun! I wish I had that much closet space though! :D

  13. Girl your closet must be like a guest room! beautifully done and im eyeing those red wedges. they are going to set off your next outfit.


  14. Are you free to come help me with my closet.

    I like to coordinate similar to the way you have, I swear it's the born in August thing except I don't have a cutie pie helper, Isis is a doll.

    BTW I just order red suede wedges Friday, love them!!!

  15. Girl you should see my closet.....SMH!! You are giving me some inspiration!

  16. Looks great! Come do mine next, lol.

  17. OMFG! So colourful and they look really well-organized! Problem is my wardrobe and room aren't big so no matter how i organize they look like a fright when i start pulling out stuff!

  18. She's adorable! I make all of my hangers the same color & face the same way. I put the black at the end of each section and white at the front. I tried to ROYGBIV the colors in each section but didn't like how it looked so blues go next to grey then black. I think yellows after white, then pinks/reds/greens. I love it. It's the first thing I do when I move. (student) Organizing the closet is such a delight!

  19. OMG!! Please come and do mine :-) - 6hrs AND 80 new hangers... I could only imagine!

    Very nice and well organized. I swear it's a task that I certainly do not want to take on. I love all the colors and prints together - I think now it will be much easier to navigate and pick out clothing!

    Great idea!!

  20. Ugh, color coding my closet ALWAYS fails. I'm good for about 3 weeks but then...I can't keep it up. And it sometimes just feels so overwhelming. I thought I had a lot of clothes but you eclipsed me something major!

  21. I need to come and get some tips on organization, my closet is a MESS right now. lol

  22. Your little girl is too cute, I know she has fun playing in your closet! lol

  23. Wow... I sooooo need to do this!

  24. OMG! I would love to come and play in your closet!!! AMAZING work!

  25. I have been wanting to organize my closet like this for YEARS.. I wish you could come do mine... haha! ;-)

  26. Your clothing collection is INSANE girl! I love it!

  27. My favorite part of your closet is the handbags/shoes.. love the clutch collection, wow!

  28. wowowowow!! #thatisall

  29. O-My-GOODNESS! I need everything in your closet, please!!!!!! I love the idea of a color system.

  30. So I see that my closet is UNDERstocked:(lol

  31. man smart and pretty , I love this this is off the hook , I need to get with u for my next show I can make and designe but pulling the hold look together well the take time .

  32. Wow! This looks great! I am so impressed!


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