Beauty and the Blazer, Part One

26 September

I got an email asking specifics about my thrift store adventures so I thought it would be appropriate to showcase a few of my thrifted peices here on the blog.  When trying to figure out what items to showcase first, it didn't take me long to make a decision...BLAZERS. 

{Vintage, Thrifted Blazer /Jeans ~ Z. Cavaricci / T-shirt ~ H&M / Pumps ~ UrbanOG / Vintage Leather Handbag worn as Clutch / Vintage Earrings}

I have quite a few thrifted blazers, and honestly, they are my favorite to shop for in thrift stores/flea markets.  Our favorite thrift store in New Jersey, The Red White and Blue, has 2 really long racks dedicated to blazers; all arranged by color, all different shapes and sizes and all under $10!  I am drawn to vintage ones, and you can usually tell by the brand on the tag and/or the cut.  Although it can get costly having every blazer I bring home dry cleaned, owning a one-of-a-kind piece for a dirt cheap price, makes it worthwhile.

I am a size 16 (and sometimes a 14 on top) and most of the blazers I have are NOT a 16, they are smaller (the one I have on in this post is a size 12). It is very typical for vintage 80's and 90's blazers, to be cut very generously. This would probably be an over sized cut on someone who is a true size 12, but for me, it is more fitted.

I love this one because it has a military feel with the contrast trim and buttons. 

I swear, I could wear a blazer every single day. Dressed down with a t-shirt and jeans like I wore today, or dressed up with a pretty dress and strappy heels.  A blazer will work with anything!

So tell me, are you a blazer fanatic, like I am? 

Stayed tuned for part two.  :)


  1. LOVE this post. Can't wait until the next.

  2. That blazer is HOT! Very original look :)

  3. I'm seriously in love with this outfit! Its probably the best outfit post I've seen in a while from anyone :) I adore it more that the blazer is thrifted!

  4. Definitely one of my favorite outfits for you. I love the shoes too (of course)!

    ::Runs to rummage through closet due to sudden burst of inspiration::

  5. ooh, I can't wait to see the rest of the series. I have a thing for vintage blazers, too. Of all the things I buy at thrift shops, I feel that the blazers are the best deal. I have a Christian Dior blazer that I got for $2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't worn it yet, but I am dying to break it out!

  6. Lexy, you make that blazer look good!!! It's cute on the hanger, but you totally pull the whole outfit together and make it fabulous. Can't wait until the next one!!

  7. I was having a hard time with blazer but this series, even thouhg it's only part 1, has helped me termendously. Love the whole look, the shoes are to die for!!! On my way to Urban og as soon as I finish this.

    <3 Toya

  8. Blazers are my favorite thing to thrift as well! Since I started thrifting my blazer collection has grown so much.

    I love the colors on this one. It doesn't have an 80s vibe at all. You are definitely working it!

    How are those pumps from UrbanOG working out? I saw them but wasn't sure how comfy they would be.

  9. That blazer is so unique and fab, I love it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. See, I would never look at something like this.. But seeing it on you its so cute!!

    Is it me or is your hair different. Either way, Love it!!

  12. You are ROCKING this look. #1 I need that blazer! #2 Those heels are fire! #3 You need to do my hair. I want mine to look like that every day of the week.

  13. You are awesome-love the entire look and I am looking forward to seeing more!! Just fabo!

  14. You have the best style ever! Love your blog!

  15. You have the best style ever! Love your blog!

  16. I am loving that blazer and pumps. You look fab. Great blog by the way...I will definitely be back for more.

    Check out my fashion blog.

  17. Blazers and jackets are straight up my new obsession. Thrift stores overwhelm me, but now I guess I need to quit faking and go. Ha ha. You look amazing as always.

  18. Oh my god girl I love red white and blue! You have probably seen my mom there...she lives there. I'm from NJ but live in TX now. I have to hit you up when I come to NJ so we can go Love the outfit chica! You are rockin it! take care.

  19. THANKS ladies!!!!! :)

    And to answer the questions:

    yes, I have new hair. :) Got a longer length this time. hehehe! And these pumps from UrbanOG are comfy. The heel is HIGH though and peep-toes always seem to flop off my feet, but other than that... they are perfect! lol.

    Thanks again for the comments, you guys are wonderful!

  20. I saw this post on Monday and just had to wear a blazer for the first time, you look amazing as always.

  21. I am GAGGGGING over this blazer! We MUST go thirfting together! You find the best pieces!

  22. I love this look, even though that blazer gives off a vintage feel, you managed to make this outfit so fresh young and cool. Love it Lexy!


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