Happy Celebration.

25 July

{Skirt ~ random find at Jomar / Drape top ~ Anthropologie / Blue Tunic ~ Newport news (is actually a bathing suit cover-up / Belt ~ Old Navy / Platforms ~ UrbanOG / Vintage wooden earrings / Enamel dome ring ~ Kenneth Jay Lane (one of my gifts) / Handbag ~ Gucci, Joy Boston}

I began the celebration of my birthday weekend with a surprise night out, organized by my best friends. We went to my favorite burger place in Northern Liberties, PYT. It was a really warm night, but there was a breeze so luckily, we were able to eat outside. It was the perfect night.  :)

Here are a few pictures:

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!  It is so hot here in Philly!!  I am off to go get dolled up for a nice dinner with my honey.  We are going to Fleming's Steakhouse and Winebar.  So excited!!


  1. you look wonderful! happy birthday

  2. You looked so pretty! what a great combination of colors, loving the blue on your. Is there a color that you CAN'T wear? Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday Lexy! love your blog :~D

  4. yay happy birthday!! YOu look amazing, I love these photos, looks like you had fun!!! <3

  5. Happy birthday to you!! I love your skirt and always loved those shoes! hoe you had a good one! :)

  6. a faithful reader ♥Monday, July 26, 2010

    F-A-B! Happy birthday. ♥

  7. I want that milkshake and that necklace and that cookie. You looked great.


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